by Steve Overbury
Call number: 782.421660922 OVE
For decades, British Bands Like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Clash, Wham! And Even The Spice Girls have dominated the music industry & made countless millions for themselves, their record companies & their managers. For Behind Each Of Those Bands Was A Guiding Hand, A Svengali, Protecting, Promoting, Persuading And Occasionally Punishing On The Band S Behalf. Some Of Those Managers Became Almost As Famous As The Bands Themselves. Brian Epstein Was A Household Name While Malcolm Mclaren, Don Arden And Peter Grant Became Infamous.

by Virgil Moorefield
Call number: 781.49 MOO
In the 1960s, rock and pop music recording questioned the convention that recordings should recreate the illusion of a concert hall setting. The Wall of Sound that Phil Spector built behind various artists and the intricate eclecticism of George Martin's recordings of the Beatles did not resemble live performances—in the Albert Hall or elsewhere—but instead created a new sonic world. The role of the record producer, was evolving from that of organizer to auteur; band members became actors in what Frank Zappa called a "movie for your ears." In rock and pop, in the absence of a notated score, the recorded version of a song—created by the producer in collaboration with the musicians—became the definitive version.

by Michael Pawuk
[Call number: 741.58 PAW]
There's no denying it - graphic novels are on the rise, with more readers of all ages discovering (or rediscovering) and enjoying the genre. Adding graphic novels to your adult and teen collections is a sure fire way to boost circulation and build customer loyalty. But with thousands of titles being published annually and no sign of a slowdown, how do you determine which graphic novels to purchase, and which to recommend? This book is intended to help you start and maintain a graphic novel collection, and more importantly, advise readers about the genre. It describes more than 1,400 titles; and organizes them according to genre, subgenre, and theme

edited by Nat Gertler
[Call number: 808.066741 PAN]
For future writers, future artists, and those who just want to see how it's done, here's a collection of comic book scripts from some of comicdom's top talents. See how Neil Gaiman writes a superhero story, how Marv Wolfman provides a plot for his artist to work from, and how Jeff Smith draws a script for Rose. Also included are a Jay & Silent Bob script by filmmaker Kevin Smith, a Whiteout script by novelist Greg Rucka, GoGirl! by Trina Robbins, Deathlok by Milestone co-founder Dwayne McDuffie, and Kurt Busiek's Astro City by Astro City's Kurt Busiek. Plus, a short script by Eisner nominee Nat Gertler, with the finished story drawn by Detective Comics's Steve Lieber – available in America for the first time!
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