Monday, August 18, 2008


Extracts from book titled "Brother Joseph McNally fsc 1923-2002" by Brother Vincent Corkery

"I have lived my life primarily as an educator and therefore I have no professional secrets. Likewise as a sculptor I want to be an open book."

"Artists, by and large, are right brained persons. They think laterally. They see alternative courses of action more easily than left brained people. They are good entreprenuers. They are good team members."

"The truly educated person: the most cultured person is not one with the highest degrees but the one who most fully accepts the culture of his people."

"Education is the process of leading youth outwards from within themselves; of bringing out inherent qualities within each child."

"One great privilege of being a teacher or a headmaster, lies in constant contact with the young mind. Teaching does not imply a one-way traffic only. A teacher constantly renews his youth in associating his ideas with those of his pupils."

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