The illustrated encyclopedia of costume & fashion: from 1066 to the present
Jack Cassin-Scott
391.009 CAS
This encyclopedia, with 180 colour illustrations & descriptions of the great years of fashion, will be as interesting & valuable to modern fashion designers & photographers, students of costume history, wardrobe mistresses & theatrical performers as it will to general readers.

A history of costume
Carl Kohler
391.009 KOH
The use of the book are many. For theatrical & movie producers about to produce a "period piece", the book will be an invaluable source. Fashion designers will find their imaginations stimulated by the descriptions & the illustrations. Artists illustrating books the action of which takes place at some time in the past may depend upon the authenticity of the examples given here. Teachers of courses in the history of dress will find this an excellent text or supplementary source. The general reader with no previous contact with the subject may expect to come away from the book with a thorough knowledge of the way people have dressed thoughout the Western world from ancient times up through the 19th century.

The evolution of fashion: pattern & cut from 1066 to 1930
Margot Hamilton Hill & Peter A. Bucknell
391.009 HIL
The evolution of fashion is an essential work for everyone concerned with design and costume for the stage, the screen & television. It traces the development of costume & cutting over a period of almost ten centuries.

Dress and globalisation
Margaret Maynard
391.009 MAY
Dispelling the myth of universal "world" attire, this book demonstrates that western style clothing transcends geographical boundaries but along with other forms of dress can reveal a montage of differing tastes, ethnic preferences & national & local imperatives. It shows that all cultures are consciously engaged in processes of self presentation as they create personal, national, ethnic & international identities though what they wear.

Sex & suits: the evolution of modern dress
Anne Hollander
391.009 HOL
"1994 National Book Critics Circle Nominee"
Power & suits, yes. Tradition & suits, certainly. But sex & suits? Acclaimed by John Updike in the New Yorker, Anne Hollander's compulsively readable history of the evolution of modern fashion is a marvelous investigation into the language of clothes. Venturing playfully backward & forward through the history of costumes & art, Hollander reveals how fashion thrives on the brink of subversion, in subtle or brash confrontation with the masculine & feminine conventions in any age.

Dress, gender & cultural change: Asian American & African American rites of passage
Annette Lynch
391.009 LYN
While African American dress has long been noted as having a distinctive edge, many people may not know that debuntante balls feature young women & men dressed, respectively, in conventional symbols of female purity & male hegemony, & conforming to gender stereotypes that have tended to characterize such events traditionally. With the Hmong American community, mothers & aunts of teenagers use bangles, lace & traditional handwork techniques to create dazzling displays reflectiing the gender & ethnicity of their sons & daughters, nieces & nephews, as they participate in an annual courtship ritual. This book examines these events to show how dress is used to transform gender construction & create positive images of African American & Hmong American youth.
For more fashion read, rush to the library!!
Dear students, please do not be shy in voicing your comments to the librarians or post it here so that we could improve on the collection. Your views are valuable........
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