Want to read more on your favourite subject? Here's a list to get you going....

Basics design: Image
Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris
Call no: 741.64 AMB
Images can, quite literally, 'paint a thousand words', but understanding what they mean, when to use them and how to control them is becoming ever more crucial. The ability to alter images is made far easier through technological advances. Basics Design: Image will look at two distinct areas: what images mean and how we can create them. A primer in basic semiotics, the book will unravel the often complicated terminology associated with image 'reading'. On a practical level, this volume will introduce some of the many ways images are created from reportage photography to illustration, computer generation to iconography and computer and print manipulation.

Colour management: a comprehensive guide for graphic designers
John T. Drew and Sarah A. Meyer
Call no: 701.85 DRE
CD included: contains a unique 10,000 hue swatch system
By unlocking expertise & demystifying theory, this book opens the door to new & bold uses of colour that communicate & entertain. It also showcases examples of dynamic grahic design & colour usage from around the world. Colour management: a comprehensive guide for grahic designers is truly a unique, one-stop resource for designers & graphic artists in every field of visual communication, whether they are working in print, interactive, environmental or Web-based design. It arms designers with the in-depth technical information they need about colour theory, colour systems, mixing, removal, pigments, inks, papers & printing, & explains how human beings perceive & react to colour in every espect of their daily lives.

Design for communication: conceptual graphic design basics
Elizabeth Resnick
Call no: 741.6 RES
Complete coverage of basic design principles illustrated by student examples. The book presents 42 basic to advanced graphic design & typography assignments collaboratively written by college educators to teach the fundamental processes, concepts & techniques through hands-on applications. Assignments are organized from basic to advanced within 6 sections:
* The elements & principles of design
* Typography as image
* Creative word play
* Word and image
* Grid and visual hierarchy
* Visual advocacy

Editorial design
Yolanda Zappaterra
Call no: 741.65 ZAP
An accessible & comprehensive guide to visual journalism - the design of magazines & newspapers - this books provides an overview of current editorial-design practices including branding, how to create layouts, handling copy & images, & design & production skills. Illustrated by case studies, examples & tips, the book is a practical reference & learning resource for editorial-design students & experienced designers alike.

NEOGEO: a new edge to abstraction
Robert Klanten
Call no: 741.6 KLA
NeoGeo documents the new flirtation with geometrical forms & solid colours in today's design. The examples in the book make it clear that this current trend to abstract work is not a nostalgic phenomenon; rather, it borrows from illustration, collage, typography & computer art to create a whole new visual language.

Type-One: discipline and progress in typography
Robert Klanten
Call no: 686.22 KLA
Type One is a rich visual survey of current typography that is supplemented by texts & interviews with eminent international font designers. While the book provides practical examples of successful contemporary solutions, it also investigates the experimental & inspirational side of today's font design. This combination makes the book an essential resource for anyone seeking an up to date exploration & understanding of typography.

Visual grammar
Christian Leborg
Call no: 701.8 LEB
Life in the image world has made us all voracious, if not always delibrate, consumers of visual messages. Easy access to computer graphic tools has turned many of us into either amateur or professional image producers. But without a basic understanding of visual language a productive dialog between producers & consumers of visual communication is impossible. It is both a primer on visual language & a visual dictionary of the fundamental aspects of graphic design.
------ Remember that the list is not exhaustive!! You guys need to come to the library to discover the many marvels of reading materials that are available ... See you soon!!! -----