American cinema of the 1950s: themes & variations
Edited by Murray Pomerance
791.430973 AME
Bringing together original essays by 10 respected scholars in the field, American Cinema of the 1950s explores the impact of the cultural environment of this decade on film, & the impact of film on the American cultural milieu. Provocative, engaging and accessible to general readers as well as scholars, this volume provides a unique lens through which to view the links between film & the prevailing social & historical events of the 1950s.

Cinema: the archeology of film & the memory of a century
Jean-Luc Godard & Youssef Ishaghpour
791.43 GOD
This book is a dialogue between Jean-Luc Godard & the celebrated cinephile Youssef Ishaghpour. Here, Godard comes closest to defining a lifetime's obsession with cinema and cinema's lifelong obsession with history.

City flicks: Indian cinema & the urban experience
Edited by Preben Kaarsholm
791.430954 CIT
The relationship between cinema & modernity in the Indian context is both complex & multifaceted. In this volume, some of the leading names in film & cultural studies explore its many dimensions.

Film fables
Jacques Ranciere
791.43 RAN
Film fables traces the history of modern cinema. Encyclopedic in scope, Film Fables is that rare work that manages to combine extraordinary breadth & analysis with a lyricism that attests time & again to a love of cinema.

Gender & Spanish cinema
Edited by Steven Marsh & Parvati Nair
791.430946 GEN
Defining "gender' in its broadest sense, the authors discuss topics such as body, performance, desire and fantasy. Gender is not considered in isolation, but is discussed in relation to nationalism, race, memory, psychoanalysis and historical context. The chapters are wide-ranging, dealing with subjects such as Bunuel, cinema under Franco, 1950s melodrama and Pedro Almodovar.

Mob culture: hidden histories of the American gangster film
Edited by Lee Grieveson, Esther Sonnet and Peter Stanfield
791.43652 GRI
Mob culture offers a long-awaited, fresh look at the American gangster film, exposing its hidden histories from the Black Hand gangs of the early 20th century to the Sopranos. Departing from traditional approaches that have typically focused on the "nature" of the gangster, the editors have collected essays that engage the larger question to how the meaning of criminality has changed over time.

Visions of England: class & culture in contemporary cinema
Paul Dave
791.430942 DAV
Visions of England is a provocative & original exploration of Englishness, in particular English class, in contemporary cinema. Class has been a central part, whether consciously or not, of much of English social analysis & artistic production for over a century. But as a way of interpreting society, class has found itself sidelined in a postmodern world.

Vsevolod Pudovkin: selected essays
Edited by Richard Taylor
791.430947 PUD
This book will fill an important gap in the literature on Soviet cinema & will re-restablish Pudovkin's claim to a place in the canon. Vsevolod Pudovkin was one of the classic troika of Soviet film directors in the "golden age" of silent cinema in the 1920s.
Interested in more film reads? Then hurry to the library!