Monday, April 25, 2011

New Books!

.....more reading materials from the library

Advanced fashion drawing: lifestyle illustration
Bil Donovan
741.672 DON

An introductory guide to post-structuralism and postmodernism [2nd edition]
Madan Sarup
149.96 SAR

Doing your research project: a guide for first-time researchers in education, health and social science [5th edition]
Judith Bell
370.72 BEL

Fashion: the key concepts
Jennifer Craik
746.92 CRA

Introducing cultural and media studies: a semiotic approach
Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis and Warwick Mules
302.23 THW

Pattern Magic 2
Tomoko Nakamichi
646.40720952 NAK

Researching the visual
Michael Emmison and Philip Smith
300.72 EMM

Theatre: the lively art [7th edition]
Edwin Wilson and Alvin Goldfarb
792 WIL

Theorizing diaspora
Jana Evans Braziel and Anita Mannur (editors)
304.8 THE

The men's fashion reader
Peter McNeil and Vicki Karaminas (editors)
391.1 MEN

The senses on performance
Sally Banes and Andre Lepecki (editors)
790.2 SEN

...........................look forward for more goodies from the library