Ballet & modern dance: a concise history [2nd edition]
by Jack Anderson
Call number: 792.8 AND
This book meets the needs of both students and inquisitive dance goers through a narrative focused on the development of Western theatrical dance-since the Renaissance, incorporating the most recent scholarship. Intended to be entertaining as well as enlightening, Ballet & Modern Dance seeks an additional objective-to emphasize the value of dance history as a field of study.

Creating motion graphics with after effects: volume 2 advanced techniques
by Trish & Chris Meyer
Call number: 006.686 MEY
This book focuses on core concepts such as audio, alpha channels, and manipulating time, plus Professional edition features such as color keying and motion tracking. The timeless subjects of video and film are demystified, while Expressions and the new Paint engine are covered in depth.

Nothing more natural
by Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven
Call number: 759.92 VAN
Anne-Mie van Kerchhoven work embrace influences as varied as medieval philosophy, cyberpunk and fashion, evades easy categorization. It is her equally fluid motion between the antagonistic media of high-tech computer animation and low-tech DIY techniques that has also contributed to her unique position in the art world. This book seeks to extend the understanding of her work through an investigation of the relationship between the most and least technologically inclined media in which she works, her films and drawings.

Stop motion: passion, process and performance
by Barry J C Purves
Call number: 778.5347 PUR
Be inspired by award-winning animator Barry Purves' honest insight into the creative process of making stop motion animations, using his own classic films to illustrate every step along the way. With Barry's enthusiasm for puppets in all their many guises and in-depth interviews from some of the world's other leading practitioners, there is advice, insipiration and entertainment galore in Stop motion: passion, process and performance.

Suicide: strategies and interventions for reduction and prevention
Edited by Stephen Palmer
Call number: 362.28 SUI
The book examines myths about suicide, explores facts and statistics at national and international levels, and uses client cases to uncover thoughts leading to suicidal behaviour. The editor offers an insight into what can done in the community, and within therapeutic settings when working with this challenging client group. Featuring chapters from a range of experienced practitioners, this book provides a wealth of information on strategies and possible interventions. The addition of a self-harm management plan, assessment checklists and list of useful organizations makes it essential reading for both mental health professionals, and those in training.
Treatment manual for anorexia nervosa: a family-based approach
by James Lock, Daniel Le Grange, W. Stewart Agras and Christopher Dare
Call number: 616.8526206 LOC
This manual provides an authoritative and detailed description of the Maudsley approach, the leading family-based treatment for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Unique in its focus on mobilizing parents and siblings as a resource in treatment, the approach is ideal for short-term treatment and has demonstrated effectiveness in controlled clinical trials. Session-by-session intervention guidelines and in-depth case illustrations enhance the utility of the volume for practitioners in a range of settings.